Power a Light in the Dark

Capital Link Brings Emergency Solar Power to Life for Vulnerable Communities

Capital Link and the CHARGE Partnership creates a nationwide resilient power and clean energy program for FQHCs. A contribution lights up critical health services with solar power, ensuring they remain a beacon in the darkness for communities during climate emergencies and power outages.




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Why Choose Capital Link?

Your decision to support Capital Link is more than a gesture of charity; it’s a powerful statement of action towards strengthening health systems in the face of natural disasters. You're directly contributing to equipping health centers with essential solar power backup systems.

These systems ensure that when the grid fails, a community’s hope does not.



 Your Donation Will Help:

Solar Impact Stats for Website v6

What Is a Community Health Center?

A Community Health Center (CHC) is a non-profit, community-based health care provider. These centers focus on serving areas with limited access to healthcare and are committed to providing care to individuals regardless of their financial circumstances. Their mission is rooted in the civil rights movement, emphasizing health equity and community well-being. Additionally, CHCs often serve as critical community hubs during disasters, providing essential services and support when they are needed most.

The Growing Threat of Blackouts to Health Services

As the demand for electricity is projected to surge in the next decade, we need more renewable energy than ever. Unfortunately, delays in clean energy have left us without the solutions we need while the risk of disruptions to the grid from storms, fires, and other natural disasters is only increasing. It’s essential to help health centers adopt resilient and independent energy systems to maintain critical services to protect community health. 

The Impact of Your Choice: 

Immediate Benefits 

Your support plays a critical role in empowering health centers to maintain essential services during emergencies. These contributions enable the installation of solar power and back up battery systems that provide crucial energy resilience. For example, during blackouts, these systems ensure that health centers can continue to operate effectively, keeping these critical care facilities operational and maintaining the refrigeration needed to preserve vaccines and medications. This is not just an immediate impact on healthcare delivery – it also keeps health centers functioning as a community hub during a crisis. 


Health Spotlights: Story of Resilience 

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CommuniCare+OLE's Napa Valley Vintners North Napa Health Center Campus

CommuniCare+OLE has installed a substantial solar array at its North Napa Campus, which offsets 73 tons of carbon annually. This project, made possible through community donations and federal support from the Inflation Reduction Act, significantly reduces energy costs and environmental impact.

By partnering with the CHARGE Partnership, CommuniCare+OLE not only leads in sustainability but also ensures a healthier environment for its patients. This solar initiative demonstrates their commitment to integrating sustainable practices into healthcare, providing long-term benefits for both the community and the planet.

Photo Courtesy of Collective Energy Co.

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San Fernando Community Health Center's Mott Street Clinic

The San Fernando Community Health Center (SFCHC) was facing skyrocketing energy costs when it decided advance its sustainability efforts with a new solar+storage system. Through the CHARGE Partnership's creative use of federal and community incentives/programs, the SFCHC installed 106 kW of rooftop-mounted solar panels and a 52 kWh NMC. There was no upfront cost to the health center.

This initiative will provide 60% of the center's energy needs and ensure critical functions remain operational during outages. The health center is projected to save $200,000 over the next 15 years. This initiative not only stabilizes SFCHC's energy costs but also enhances the center's resilience as first responders and commitment to environmental stewardship.

Photo Courtesy of Collective Energy Co.

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Mendocino Community Health Centers' Lakeview Clinic

This health center's solar+storage setup provides 40% of the clinic's annual electricity needs and offsets 66 tons of CO2 annually—equivalent to the carbon sequestered by 70 acres of forest each year. The solar installation, financed through the CHARGE partnership, came at no upfront cost to the clinic. 

The nearly half-million dollar energy storage system was funded by the California Public Utility Commission’s Self-Generation Incentive Program (SGIP). This initiative not only stabilizes energy costs but also ensures resilience during power outages, benefiting the 30,000 patients served annually with essential services like primary care, dental, women's health, and behavioral health.

Photo Courtesy of Collective Energy Co.

Join the Movement: 

Join the movement by selecting Capital Link as your beneficiary. Connect with a community committed to improving health equity and sustainability. Your participation supports renewable energy projects at community health centers, enhancing their resilience and ability to serve underserved communities. Together, we can transform individual actions into a collective force for good. 





What is a Community Health Center?

Originating in the civil rights movement, a Community Health Center (CHC) is a non-profit, community-based healthcare provider serving areas with limited access to healthcare. These centers provide comprehensive medical, dental, behavioral, and preventive health services to individuals regardless of their ability to pay. Federally Qualified Health Centers (FQHCs), a specific type of CHC, receive federal funding to support a range of health services in underserved areas, enhancing healthcare access for vulnerable populations. 

How does the partnership between Capital Link, CHARGE, and others work?

Capital Link collaborates with various partners, including the National Association of Community Health Centers (NACHC) and Collective Energy, through the CHARGE Partnership to assist health centers in transitioning to renewable solar power. This partnership aims to enhance operational resilience, promote public health, and achieve Net Zero status in energy consumption. NACHC focuses on outreach and education, while Collective Energy specializes in implementing tailored energy solutions. Together, they provide technical support, training, and financial guidance to ensure successful implementation of renewable energy projects at health centers.

How are donations to the Wells Fargo Attune Card used to enhance energy resilience and sustainability at health centers?

Wells Fargo collaborates with Capital Link to finance renewable energy projects for health centers. Donations from Wells Fargo are directed to Capital Link, who then collaborates on the planning, financing, and installation of renewable energy infrastructure such as solar panels and battery storage systems. These funds help alleviate the initial costs of the projects, enabling health centers to invest in energy resilience and sustainability. Additionally, Wells Fargo’s support extends to covering expenses related to project management and technical consultations, ensuring successful implementation and optimization of renewable energy solutions at health centers.



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