Article Index

Health Center Highlights

Capital Link regularly profiles health centers that have successfully completed their expansion plans. These health center stories are available on our website. Recent additions include Neighborhood Health Association, OH, and Family Healthcare of Hagerstown, MD (formerly Walnut Street Community Health Center).

GE to Invest in Massachusetts Community Health Centers...
On April 4, 2016, amidst plans to relocate its global headquarters from Connecticut to Boston, MA, GE announced it will be making $50 million in philanthropic donations in Massachusetts over the next five years. The company specified a commitment to donating $15 million through its GE Foundation to expand capacity and increase specialty care training at Massachusetts community health centers. As a part of this funding, GE will also be building the first-ever Community Health Center Leadership and Skills Institute, which will offer training for health centers across the state on leadership, team-based care, and the use of technology to improve patient outcomes. Read more here.




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